Antiviral Foods, Vitamins and Herbs

The following information is only a guideline to some of the items that are known to boost the Immune System.  It does not mean that you should rush out and buy them all and start eating them all.  Remember – your body may not need that, it may need something completely different for the BioEnergetic balance you are in right now. 

"Let food be they medicine' not artificial, synthetic supplements - the body can digest, transform and transport nutrients derived from fresh, organic foods.  It cannot do this with synthetically manufactured supplements.  Your nutritional requirements are unique to you - have a Health Kinesiology balance to determine if a supplement is what your body really needs.  Maybe you could be wasting money, taking a supplement that you genuinely do not need or can process in your body!

Antiviral foods
•    Ginger
•    Apple
•    Onions
•    Barley
•    Broccoli
•    Carrot
•    Cauliflower
•    Chilli Peppers
•    Corn
•    Cranberry
•    Garlic
•    Aloe Vera
•    Kale
•    Honey (sugar suppress the Immune System so stop eating it!)
•    Shitaki mushrooms
•    Spirulina
•    Pineapple
•    Berries
•    Red Grapes
•    Strawberry
•    Soybean (only fermented soya bean products)
•    Bio natural yoghurt
•    Cruciferous vegetables

Antiviral vitamins and Minerals

•    Vitamin A
•    Vitamin C
•    Vitamin E
•    Selenium
•    Zinc


Antiviral Herbs
•    Astragalus
•    Basil
•    Calendula
•    Cat’sClaw or Una de Gato
•    Cloves
•    Echinacea
•    Grape fruit seed extract
•    Green tea
•    Horseradish
•    Lemon Balm
•    Licorice
•    Mint leaves
•    Mustard
•    Turmeric
•    Olive leaves
•    St. John’s Wort



Balanced Lifestyle recommends that you should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.